Working from home office – my two cents

With the onset of the “Pandemic times”, working from home office has become a new norm for everyone. A full-fledged office, as we have all experienced, comes with that white-collar air, giving the office an unadulterated work-friendly vibe.

When I tried bringing in the same kind of atmosphere in my home office a few months ago, I found myself loving the challenge!

Well, from my past experience of working from home for an E-commerce company, during normal times, I had my list of learnings ready for this time.

To create a non-chaotic, non-distracting, work-friendly and happy home office, this is all I needed back then- a small room with space big enough to place a laptop and a printer on a table, some minimal stationery, and a phone.

 I started working remotely, for this start-up based in California set up by my cousin in 2013. Working from home was an opportunity as well as a compulsion as I could not take up a full-time career due to my kids who were solely dependent on me back then.

The idea of working from home was fun. I was all excited and set. Now all I had to do was to install Java, Oracle, and Adobe Acrobat software on my laptop and get going, all within the comfort of home!

In the beginning, I was spending only 2 to 3 hours in my make-do home office. Over the months, I was able to happily take it to 6 hours a day!

It worked wonderfully for me. And why wouldn’t it? One, I was at home around my family, and two, working remotely with a bare-minimum investment, I made some good dough for myself!

Having understood that this trend of a home office is not going anywhere anytime soon, I have now upgraded my study room into a proper office space for a hassle-free work environment. I have done up the space such that it supports long working hours.

I love my home office. It has no distractions, no disruptions, and zero nuisance value. Trust me, it has quite a professional atmosphere.

That said, you do encounter fly in the ointment sometimes!

Here are my two honest cents on the pros and cons of working from home:

What I love about remote working-

  • Comfort of home
  • Flexibility of schedule
  • Liberty to attend to children even during work hour
  • Freedom from following any in-person protocol
  • A regulated routine

A few things that I could have easily done without-

  • Tendency to get into procrastination mode when you have the liberty to choose work hours
  • Inability to stay focused all through, if you have many things to take care of, at home
  • Seepage of monotony due to lack of in-person interactions with fellow workers
  • Demanding bosses expecting higher output

All said and done, I can safely infer that when you trust your capabilities, and make the best of resources at hand, creating and working from the home office could be a fun challenge to take on!

Here’s wishing you a Happy workday at home!

Sarika Verma

The writer, Sarika Verma is a computer professional and teacher. She has built her work life around her two adorable children and a supportive & loving husband. She believes that having a balance between work and family is the key to a satisfying life.

When she is not busy playing her various gratifying roles, you will find her indulging in reading social fiction and management best sellers.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Stuffle

    Great wordpress blog here.. It’s hard to find quality writing like yours these days. I really appreciate blogs like these! take care

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